Monday, July 4, 2011

Where do I begin?

Where do I begin?  I have been teaching in California for 10 years, and I have taught English, Drama, Choir, Algebra, Spanish, Bible, History, and I have been an Activities Director.  Now, once again, I am unemployed and uninspired and jobs are scarce and very competetive, especially when you are geographically tied down.

My husband has been teaching at the same school in the Central Valley of California for 11 years, so uprooting to move where there are more jobs during these difficult times is almost unimaginable.

So everyday, I check the premier website for educational job postings, I search the three contiguous counties for jobs and I hope for the best while preparing for the worst.  The worst being unemployment when the school year begins.  See I'm one of those people who needs to be doing something...AT ALL TIMES!  I always have been, and most likely always will be.  I have been interested in almost everything that life has to offer, with too many passions to nail down.  So the big question in my life is where these passions will lead.

So last night as I was praying, thinking of what my next move should be, and trying to fall asleep, I thought of this blog.  Of course I thought of a "Julie and Julia" approach, but I'm not ready for that type of commitment, and I want to be original.  To be clear, I am not writing this, because  I think it will be especially appealing to readers, but I am writing this more as a tool, to help me move into whatever the future holds.  Consider it my diary that has been unlocked for any and all to see.

You can expect to see a lot of variety, a lot of lamenting, and hopefully, at least at points, a woman finding clarity, purpose and inspiration.  My blogs will be peppered with Christian insight, and verses, as well as comments that may leave you wondering if I'm really a Christian at all, but that is my fault, not God's.

So today is The Fourth of July, and I am officially declaring my independence from helplessness.  At the end of this journey I will be employed and inspired and so much more. 

Exploration number one begins this Friday, as I journey to Oregon to begin my Master's Degree in Theatre Studies with Southern Oregon University and Oregon Shakespeare Festival.  I am excited yet apprehensive about investing anymore time and money into a career in education, but the experience itself, should provide a lot of inspiration and insight.

Ciao for now,